Plesk Unable to update scheduled backup information: MySQL query failed: Unknown column ‘backup_time’ in ‘field list’

Error in scheduling a backup 10th December 2008, 04:38 AM#1 105547111 Registered User Join: Jul 2006 Posts: 203 Error in scheduling a backup [fixed] I tried to schedule a backup I get this error at the top: Error: Unable to update scheduled backup information: MySQL query failed: Unknown column ‘backup_time’ in ‘field list’ So its …

I’m sending mail but I receive a bounce message with an error.

Resolution Chose the case with the bounce error you have. – 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable Givingup, 797. – 550 5.7.1 This system has been configured to reject your mail, 1375. – 553 Sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts,168. – 553 Sorry, relaying denied from your location,168. – 554 …