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Category Archives: Network
many processes of “executable”
Do you notice if it happens at a particular time everyday? Cause we’ve discovered that it can be a cron problem. Try disabling all cron jobs and see if it still happens. Also, be sure to do this: Go into plesk: 1) Mail server settings * At Relay Options: 2) Uncheck the authentication required: “POP3 …
PLESK Unable to update hosting preferences. User xxxx already exists
Yeah, I would delete the domain and then recreate it then restore it. browse the psa database and remove the xxxx username under the “clients” table. So check the sys_users table and the /etc/passwd . from http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=71840
install PEAR to PLESK over UBUNDU
#apt-get install lynx #lynx -source http://pear.php.net/go-pear | php press 1 and change the path to /usr/share
Virtual to Physical Documentation and Sample Configurations
The technical note and sample configurations for performing a virtual to physical conversion are provided for information only. Technical support is not provided.
Install PLESK on ubuntu hardy
I have bought new server for SEDC kelantan and i have stuck when i install Debian 4.0 than i install ubuntu 8.04 LTS server editions. After googling around i not found the best tutorial how to install Plesk on ubuntu 8.04 hardy. than this is the basic tutorial and it will help you and me. …