Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable (drag-and-drop enable) layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better.
Author Archives: Webmaster
Wookmark jQuery plugin
We have received several questions about how the grid layout on is created so we created this simple plugin. It lays out a series of elements in a dynamic column grid.
Is it possible to limit a number of recipients in a mail message in Parallels Plesk Panel?
Resolution Since Parallels Plesk Panel version 8.4 it is possible to limit maximum number of recipients for email message. To prevent your users from sending mass e-mail, do the following:
How do I verify that my server is not acting as an open relay?
Everyone can send mail from the server without authorization. I think that relaying is opened on my server. How can I stop it?
Send mail through mail relay with PHP
mail() uses the smtp/sendmail settings found in php.ini. If you need to send it via another smtp, or one with authentication (like in your example) mail is simply not enough.
Create daemons in PHP
Everyone knows PHP can be used to create websites. But it can also be used to create desktop applications and commandline tools. And now with a class called System_Daemon, you can even create daemons using nothing but PHP. And did I mention it was easy?