SCA Generator Source Shown below is the source code for the API generator. As you can see, I am using the SCA_Generator class itself to generate its own API.
Author Archives: Webmaster
RPMforge for CentOS 6
The default RPMforge repository does not replace any CentOS base packages. In the past it used to, but those packages are now in a separate repository (rpmforge-extras) which is disabled by default.
Install pspell in php5 ubuntu
Follow this commands
Linux backup to FTP
If you have a hosting account at Hetzner with free backup space, you can not access this backup volume using rsync.
Create Backups with tartarus
If you have a FTP backup space for your vserver or dedicated server, tartarus is a great tool to create and crypt your backups.
Plesk horde change cache type
If you want to change the webmail cache type follow this steps.