Define breakpoints for your responsive design, and Breakpoints.js will fire custom events when the browser enters and/or exits that breakpoint.
Author Archives: Webmaster
Wijmo is a complete kit of over 40 UI widgets with everything from interactive menus to rich charts. If you know jQuery, you know Wijmo. Every widget is hand-crafted and includes premium themes.
Jquery Tag scripts
JQUERY TAGS INPUT PLUGIN Do you use tags to organize content on your site? This plugin will turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a style-able object with its own delete link. The plugin handles all the data – your form just sees a comma-delimited list of tags!
PHP reverse reading a text file
how can i read for example 10 last lines from a text file beginning from last line
Read a file’s contents with PHP
PHP provides three built-in functions which allow you to easily read the contents of a file on your webserver. This is useful when, for example, another program may write information to the file and you could access that information through your script. In this example, we’re going to use the following example 5 line file, …
Styling Texty Inputs Only
Let’s say you want fancy styling your your text inputs: