<script> function go() { var a = window.open(”,”,’width=300,height=300′); a.document.open(“text/html”); a.document.write(document.getElementById(‘foo’).innerHTML); a.document.close(); a.print(); } </script> <div id=”foo”>This is a test</div> <input type=”button” onclick=”go()” value=”Print this Page”>
Author Archives: Prosoxi.com Webmaster
Install PHP PECL_HTTP Support
pecl list-all pecl install pecl_http configuration option “php_ini” is not set to php.ini location You should add “extension=http.so” to php.ini
Detect web plug-ins Flash, Media PLayer and more…
Cut & Paste Detect Plugin (Flash, Java, RealPlayer etc) script Credit: Frederic Description: Frederic’s versatile plugin detector can be used to detect most of the important browser plugins. They include: – Flash – Windows Media Player – Java – Shockwave – RealPlayer – QuickTime – Acrobat Reader – SVG Viewer Working in both IE and …
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Install Curl on linux
After the Mashed Museum day yesterday, I finally got in gear to see what the OpenCalais service could do to enrich the tags upon our blog post archives and forthcoming posts. To do this I used two separate plugins that have already been written and tested out by others (i’ll write about this in a …
Install php-pear on linux
APC, Alternate PHP Cache, is now the most maintained free/open source op-code cache, and is being used more and more as it emerges to be the most stable.
Linux task manager like windows
‘ps’ actually only shows you the tasks started in that shell. To see all running tasks, use: Code: ps aux You can then use ‘kill PID’ or ‘killall <process-name>’. Note that the latter will, of course, end all instances of that application.