Error in scheduling a backup 10th December 2008, 04:38 AM#1 105547111 Registered User Join: Jul 2006 Posts: 203 Error in scheduling a backup [fixed] I tried to schedule a backup I get this error at the top: Error: Unable to update scheduled backup information: MySQL query failed: Unknown column ‘backup_time’ in ‘field list’ So its …
Author Archives: Webmaster
Interakt resize image quality
zener 11-22-2005 17:29:38 GMT +2 Hello, I’m using the tNG_showDynamicThumbnail function to create thumbnails dynamicaly. I need a way to set the quality of the thumbnail? Is it possible? the generated thumbnails are too big… Thank you in advance Back | Reply | Quote | Top Florin CARLIG[InterAKT] 11-23-2005 18:11:15 GMT +2 Hello zener, Take …
How do I create a cron job?
A cron job (run by the cron daemon, or cron service) is a request for the server to run a particular command and/or program via the command line and set points during the hour, day, week, month or year. The name is derived from Greek chronos (χρόνος), meaning time.
Replace text with Javascript
Event.observe(window, ‘load’, function() { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(“CDL”, “bar”); } );
Truncate long text with PHP (excerpt function)
Truncate is a handy function which can truncate a long text into specific length string and adds elipsis (…) after it. This is an example of how the function “truncate($text,47)” works : function truncate ($str, $length=10, $trailing=’…’) { /* ** $str -String to truncate ** $length – length to truncate ** $trailing – the trailing …
Continue reading “Truncate long text with PHP (excerpt function)”
PHP array first-last value
< ?php $fruits = array('apple', 'banana', 'cranberry'); echo end($fruits); // cranberry echo current($fruits); // apple ?>