Block Countries from your server easily with CSF

If you don’t have a need for certain international visitors to your Linux server, its easy to block them out!  First, you’ll need to make sure that CSF is installed.  You can follow our guide on installing csf to get this accomplished.  Once that’s done, read on to block access from Russia, China, etc.. Now that …

How to switch to a different PHP version with htaccess

To switch to PHP 7.1 1 AddHandler application/x–httpd–php71 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 To switch to PHP 7.0 1 AddHandler application/x–httpd–php70 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 To switch to PHP 5.6 1 AddHandler application/x–httpd–php56 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 To switch to PHP 5.5 1 AddHandler application/x–httpd–php55 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 To switch to PHP 5.4 1 AddHandler …

w To Use Cheap Chinese Arduinos That Come With With CH340G / CH341G Serial/USB Chip (Windows & Mac OS-X)

Recent versions of cheap Chinese clones of Arduino boards have been coming with a different USB/Serial chip, which replaces the usual FTDI. I read somewhere that licensing costs of FTDI make it prohibitive to companies selling boards for as little as $3, so I assume this is the main motivation. To be honest, as long …

How to disable IPv6 for postfix service node?

Symptoms How to disable IPv6 on a Postfix Service Node? Resolution Enforcing Postfix to use IPv4 an be done by specifying inet_protocols parameter in configuration file: Open /etc/postfix/ with text editor (for example, vi) on the Postfix service node. Change inet_protocols value from inet_protocols = all to inet_protocols = ipv4. Restart Postfix service: # …