11 Ways to Backup your del.icio.us bookmarks Del.icio.us remains the grand-daddy of all the Social Bookmarking Services. It was bought out by Yahoo but, it remains slow and has many outages. Here are ways to backup your bookmarks for this 24×7 world.
Author Archives: Prosoxi.com Webmaster
VMware images
http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/ VMware lets you run another computer in your computer. Try out another operating system, test a different platform, preview a new distro. Hopefully this page of VMware images, or “Virtual Appliances” is useful.
Linux Backup Configuration Tutorials
Computers crash, disks become corrupt, data is lost, security is compromised. Today, computers are pretty reliable and it is rare to lose data but it can happen and usually when it is most inconvenient! Important work should always be backed up.
Install PLESK on ubuntu hardy
I have bought new server for SEDC kelantan and i have stuck when i install Debian 4.0 than i install ubuntu 8.04 LTS server editions. After googling around i not found the best tutorial how to install Plesk on ubuntu 8.04 hardy. than this is the basic tutorial and it will help you and me. …
Quick installation : Citrix XenServer 5
This is another video, and this one is about XenServer 5. This installation is not very handy when you’re not familliar with linux / unix setup. They key to use are simple, forget your mouse, and use Tab, Space, Arrows and Enter. Edit 17 April 2009 : I’ve add the “normal” installation, and if you …
Installing PEAR
Although a PEAR subdirectory is created during WAMP installation, PEAR is not included with the Wampserver. To install PEAR open a command prompt window (Start->Run->cmd. Then Enter). Go to the php executables subdirectory and run go-pear.bat: c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0>go-pear