clickTAG banner code

on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == “http:”) { getURL(clickTAG, “_blank”); } } What are the requirements for Flash ads? Flash is a plug-in for web browsers that allows animation to be added to web page components, including AdWords ads. Flash advertising is allowed for all AdWords advertisers, with some technical restrictions. Flash ads must be …

Flash Tweener : Tweening Parameters

onComplete Availability AS2 and AS3. Usage … onComplete:value, … Parameters value:Function — A function that is called immediately after a tweening is completed. It is called once regardless of the number of properties involved on the tweening. The function scope (in which the event is executed) is the target object itself, unless specified by the onCompleteScope …

Flash full screen browser scrollbars

As 3pepe3 stated you can use the CSS overflow property in your css: overflow:visible overflow:hidden overflow:scroll overflow:auto Here are some other solutions that your probably talking about however when it comes to flash sites: 1.) Stop making Flash scrollbars Download link. 2.) swfforcesize – Size limiting for full window flash 3.) Fullscreen …

Free Photoshop browser templates

Free Photoshop browser templates You need a clean browser screenshot for a design presentation? Look no further: our free photoshop browser templates for your professional screendesign come in 1024×768 pixels and 800×600 pixels size , all kinds of different browser flavours and with a few extras on top. What kind of extras?