Linux find command

Locating Files: The find command is used to locate files on a Unix or Linux system.  find will search any set of directories you specify for files that match the supplied search criteria.  You can search for files by name, owner, group, type, permissions, date, and other criteria.  The search is recursive in that it …

How can I migrate objects from Parallels Plesk Panel version 7.5 or 8.6 to Parallels Plesk Panel 9?

Resolution Plesk Migration Manager (PMM) does not exist in Parallels Plesk Panel Beta, Plesk 9 Release and the first patch 9.0.1. The feature is under development now and will be available in the next version of Parallels Plesk Panel 9.2.

Definition Lists DL, DT and DD

So what is a definition list? Simply put it is a list of definitions. For the unabridged version read the relevant section in the HTML specification. Basically a definition list is composed of three HTML elements and some text. These are the <dl>, <dt> and <dd> elements. <DL> A definition list is the container element …

RSS date PHP

Date formating rss pubDateThe publication date for the content in the channel. For example, the New York Times publishes on a daily basis, the publication date flips once every 24 hours. That’s when the pubDate of the channel changes. All date-times in RSS conform to the Date and Time Specification of RFC 822, with the …