Generating PHP Documentation With NetBeans IDE

This screencast shows how to generate PHP documentation using PHPDocumentor with NetBeans IDE. Built-in support for PHPDocumentor was added in NetBeans IDE 7.0. The screencast includes details of installing PHPDocumentor with PEAR and configuring PHPDocumentor, NetBeans IDE and your php.ini file. This video is especially useful for developers using NetBeans on a Microsoft Windows operating …

Facebook Share Meta Tags

  Configuring Meta Tags for Facebook Share Adding Facebook Share to your website is easy. However, you can enhance how the shared item appears on Facebook by configuring how it gets previewed on a user’s profile and when a user tries to share it. You do this with a combination of <link> and <meta> tags. …

Sending e-mails via SMTP with PHPmailer and Gmail

SMTP for Gmail tutorial If you don’t have one, register a GMail account or setup your domain for Google applications. Download a recent version of PHPMailer (I used the version 5.02) Check with your web hosting provider if port 465 (TCP out) is open, if not ask him to open that port Include the PHPMailer class …