A plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder support for legacy browsers. The HTML5 placeholder attribute is awesome, unfortunately only supported by some browsers. This plugin replicates the placeholder behavior for unsupported browsers.
Author Archives: Prosoxi.com Webmaster
Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBa
The Original Super Awesome Buttons Many moons ago, we create the first set of super awesome buttons. They worked great with any background color and allowed us to turn any anchor or button element into a sexy call to action.
Inline Form Labels
Image Uploads with 100% Less Suck
Image Uploads with 100% Less Suck. Guaranteed. Using a little bit of jQuery we can upload images without the suck.
Add OpenSearch to your site
Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 both support OpenSearch as a way of customizing the browser’s search box. And you can make all three work together in five minutes. No programming required. Check this out: