Absolute Path An absolute path or full path is a unique location of a file or directory name within a computer or filesystem, and usually starts with the root directory or drive letter. Directories and subdirectories listed in a path are usually separated by a slash /.
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browserplus js
JavaScript API Overview Overview Of Operation BrowserPlus is a browser plugin technology which is cross-platform and cross-browser. It allows services to be attained and activated on the fly which expose new functions to JavaScript that provide scriptable APIs for interacting with the client machine. For a website to use BrowserPlus, the platform must be installed …
WordPress How to translate month names in “Archives”
if the translation is only for the archive widget, a filter function might work (to be added to functions.php of the theme):
Remove apparmor from startapp
If you use AppArmor security module, switch the AppArmor service off and remove it from start-up list before installing Panel. This is done by running the following commands:
Install and Develop with Memcached
Your latest PHP/MySQL website is finally online. And it’s awesome. But it’s not as fast as you want it to be, because of the many SQL queries running every time a page is generated. And above that, you have the feeling it will not scale well under heavy loads. And you are most likely right.
Farbtastic Color Picker
Farbtastic Color Picker jQuery Plug-in Farbtastic is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript. Each widget is then linked to an existing element (e.g. a text field) and will update the element’s value when a color is selected.