Utensils And Toolkits For Designers

Most web designers start new projects on their computer. There are hundreds of tools out there for creating wireframes, mockups, prototypes, and doing various other planning activities on your computer or online. But there are also tons of offline, paper-based tools that can speed up your development and design process. Designers who start their planning …

custom tabs with jquery

Tabbing has been common place on the Internet for some time now. Today web sites will make use of tabbing without the page having to reload with the addition of JavaScript.Tabbing has been common place on the Internet for some time now. Today web sites will make use of tabbing without the page having to …

Illustrator to Canvas export

ai2canvas How it works The Ai->Canvas plug-in enables Adobe® Illustrator® to export vector and bitmap artwork directly to an HTML5 canvas element that can be rendered in a canvas-enabled browser. The plug-in provides drawing, animation and coding options such as events so that you can build interactive, well-designed canvas-based web apps.

960 Grid System vs 978

For several years now the 960px grid system (960.gs) has been designers’ favorite pick to help structure and design web layouts. As screens and resolutions have gotten bigger, I’ve found that the 960 grid system does not always fit my needs. 20px gutters and only a 940px content area is a bit too small for …