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Private Browsing
Private Browsing As you browse the web, Firefox remembers lots of information for you: sites you’ve visited, files you’ve downloaded, and more. There may be times, however, when you don’t want other users on your computer to see this information, such as when shopping for a birthday present.
javascript based desktops
How it sounds if I say, our next level desktops are of javascripts and may kill Operating systems? For some geeks it may sounds foolish but for some creative geeks it is interesting. Today I was amazed by seeing these javascript based desktops which when full screened imitates real ones. Just check them out.
Optimising the Facebook Open Graph Protocol
Facebook & Open Graph’s XML Nameservers Within the opening <html> tag, the Facebook and Open Graph nameservers need to be included to tell your browser and other parsers that it can expect tags other than HTML:
SyncToy 2.1
SyncToy 2.1 is a free application that synchronizes files and folders between locations. Typical uses include sharing files, such as photos, with other computers and creating backup copies of files and folders.
Load jQuery Only If Not Present
Say you were going to do an include on a whole bunch of pages, and inside of that include you wanted to do some jQuery specific stuff. That page may or may not already have jQuery loaded. If it already does, you don’t want to load it again, but if not, you do. This works …