The simplest way of selecting random rows from the MySQL database is to use "ORDER BY RAND()" clause in the query.
Author Archives: Webmaster
meta tag revisit-after
<meta name="revisit-after" content="xx days"> Αυτή είναι η σύνταξη της ετικέτας, που στόχο έχει να καλέσει την όποια αράχνη, να επανέλθει (revisit-after) στην ιστοσελίδα, που περιέχει αυτή την επικέτα μετά από (xx days). Ποιά είναι η αλήθεια τελικά; και πόσο χρήσιμη ή επιζήμια είναι;
PHP protect
PHP Protect is a free PHP obfuscation tool. It is designed to help PHP developers protect their intellectual property. Any time you give your PHP source code to someone else your intellectual property can be used and altered without your permission.
APC on CentOS 5
There can be several issues when installing APC on a CentOS based operating system with PHP 5.3.2. These include a duplicate ‘static’ error in the zif_apc_compile_file function and some apc_regex errors. This post outlines how to resolve these issues. The complete solution is at the bottom of the post.
install LAMP server on Ubuntu
In this guide I will show you the easiest way, how to install a LAMP server. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. There are many methods to install LAMP, for example the standart one see this howto for ubuntu: Howto: Install LAMP and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu
How to add your Mobile Redirect?
What is a Mobile Redirect? It’s a simple script you add to your desktop website that can tell when someone is visiting from a phone and will automatically redirect them to your mobile website.