Whether you’re in the IT industry or you’re a computer power user, you need to have a backup tool at the ready. With this tool, you will need scheduled backups, one-time backups, local backups, remote backups, and many other features.
Author Archives: Prosoxi.com Webmaster
jsPDF is an open-source library written by our lead developer, James, for generating PDF documents using nothing but Javascript. You can use it in a Firefox extension, in Server Side Javascript and with Data URIs in some browsers.
PHP Accelerators
PHP Accelerators/Cachers will boost the performance of your PHP applications, by caching the compiled form of php scripts to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling the code every time the page is loaded. A PHP accelerator typically reduces server load and increases the speed of your PHP code by 1-10 times. Normally you will install these in …
Why APC sucks (and should be pulled from PECL)
APC (Alternative PHP Caching http://us.php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php) is a memory based opcode caching system which supports variable caching inside of php scripts. It’s among 3 major opcode cachers for PHP (the other two are XCache and EAccelerator). While APC sounds great (after all, to install it all you need to type is `pecl install apc`), it suffers from a …
Continue reading “Why APC sucks (and should be pulled from PECL)”
Grsync is used to synchronize folders, files and make backups.
DF Reader in JavaScript