Here we have a simple PHP search algorithm that queries a MySQL database and outputs the result. It is a simple alternative to using the FULLTEXT search feature of MySQL.
The script autmatically takes into consideration how many search words are in the search string which is submitted from the HTML search form. It then creates a MySQL query and executes it, displaying the results. You can easily edit the fields that the search script searches by changing the values in the$arrayFields
<?php// checks if a search has been
submittedif(!empty($_REQUEST['search'])){//the table to
search$table = "yourTable";
// explode search words into an
$arraySearch = explode(" ", $search);
// table fields
to search$arrayFields = array(0 => "title", 1 =>"content");
$countSearch = count($arraySearch);$a =0;$b = 0;$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE(";$countFields = count($arrayFields);while ($a <
$countFields){while ($b <
$countSearch){$query =$query."$arrayFields[$a] LIKE
'%$arraySearch[$b]%'";$b++;if ($b <
$countSearch){$query = $query." AND
";}}$b = 0;$a++;if ($a <
$countFields){$query =$query.") OR (";
}}$query =$query.")";
$query_result = mysql_query($query);titleecho '<h1>Your SearchResults</h1>'."\n\n";
if(mysql_num_rows($query_result) <
1){echo '<p>No matches found for"'.$search.'"</p>';
{echo '<p>Search Results for"'.$search.'":</p>'."\n\n";// output list of
articleswhile($row =
mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result)){// output whatever you want here for each
search resultecho '<ahref="index.php?id='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a><br/>';}}}else
display a welcome page}?>
<p><form method="get">
<input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['search'] ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
This PHP script produces and executes the following MySQL query when given a search input of "really cool php scripts". "title" and "content" are the two fields that are being searched upon.
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE (title LIKE '%really%' AND title LIKE '%cool%' AND title LIKE '%php%' AND title LIKE '%scripts%') OR (content LIKE '%really%' AND content LIKE '%cool%' AND content LIKE '%php%' AND content LIKE '%scripts%')
For MySQL Like search that supports AND, OR, NOT and Phrase Search with result highlighting, check out:
Looks good.