Wipe BlackBerry

First, you should go to HostPilot® Control Panel and reactivate the user. Read the Knowledge Base article on How to activate a new or replacement BlackBerryfor instructions.

To erase all the data on your BlackBerry device, complete the following steps. This option is available with
BlackBerry Device Software 3.8 and later.

  1. In the device Options, click Security.
    If you are using BlackBerry Device Software 4.1, click Security Options > General Security.
  2. Click the trackwheel and select Wipe Handheld.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Type “blackberry”. All the data on the BlackBerry device is erased.

On some new versions of BlackBerry software, the menu navigation is slightly different.

  1. Go to Options.
  2. Select Security Options.
  3. Select General Settings.
  4. Click the Menu key.
  5. Select Wipe Handheld.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Type “blackberry”. All the data on the BlackBerry device is erased.

Once it is wiped, hard-reset the handheld and perform BlackBerry Wireless Activation again.

BlackBerry is a registered trademark of Research In Motion Limited.

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