I removed an IP from the VE with Plesk but it still presents in the Plesk control panel. How can I delete it?
Article ID: 2149
Last Review: Apr, 16 2012
- Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix
- Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Linux
An IP has been removed from the VE but if I go to Server -> IP Addresses in Plesk control panel the IP address still presents and is marked as missing in the system.
At this time Plesk does not allow to manage IP adresses in VE. This functionality will be added in further Plesk versions.
At first, make sure that no domains are hosted on this IP and this IP is not added into any client’s IP pool. Then try to remove it from root console with command (replace IP_ADDRESS with the real IP):
/usr/local/psa/bin/ipmanage.sh -r IP_ADDRES
Such IP addresses can also be removed from the PSA database manually. At first, make sure that no domains are hosted on this IP and this IP is not added into any client’s IP pool. After that run the mysql query as on example below (replace IP_ADDRESS with the real IP:
# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -Dpsa -e "delete from IP_Addresses where ip_address = 'IP_ADDRESS';"