What is a Mobile Redirect?
It’s a simple script you add to your desktop website that can tell when someone is visiting from a phone and will automatically redirect them to your mobile website.
<script src="DM_redirect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">DM_redirect("http://m.cdl.gr");</script>
function DM_redirect(MobileURL, Home){ try { // avoid loops within mobile site if(document.getElementById("dmRoot") != null) { return; } var CurrentUrl = location.href var noredirect = document.location.search; if (noredirect.indexOf("no_redirect=true") < 0){ if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Android|webOS|Windows CE|IEMobile|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|HTC|LG-|LGE|SAMSUNG|Samsung|SEC-SGH|Symbian|Nokia|PlayStation|PLAYSTATION|Nintendo DSi)/i)) ) { if(Home){ location.replace(MobileURL); } else { location.replace(MobileURL + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(CurrentUrl)); } } } } catch(err){} }