There are several desktop applications you can use to write and publish content for your blog, even without being connected to the internet. You may hear this referred to as “offline editing.” We support the major posting standards, such as the MetaWeblog API, so you should be able to use most applications that you …
Monthly Archives: March 2011
How to sanitize your php input
Never trust user input, it may be malicious, always check your php input. Check all global arrays like $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, allow only known variables and make sure that they contain the right type of data. What does this mean ? It means that if you have a $_GET[‘id’] variable in your script which …
Apple Ipad larger versions
Apple iPad, the device which looks like a larger version of Apple’s iPod Touch is available from April 2010. A lot of people be disappointed after iPad introduced and created many funny pictures and illustrations about it, but I really liked this one.
Generate Outlook Calendar Events with PHP and iCalendar
The internal web application at my company tends to send out a lot of email notifications. Some of them are reminders about various deadlines. Recently I got a feature request to allow people to add these reminders as events to their Outlook calendar.