I want to place two different segments of text on top a table. Both segments must be aligned at opposite borders (i.e. left align and right align). I don’t want them to be aligned with any column inside the table but just with the overall width of the table.
Daily Archives: June 17, 2010
Control Flash from Javascript
Receiving data from a Flash movie: – Enter some text in the Flash movie’s Data field, then press Receive Data. The data from the Flash movie is then transferred to the html form.
Open a modal window from a Flash movie
AS1 / AS2 In the action of your flash button, you have to execute this code: getURL(“javascript:$.nyroModalManual({url:’YOUR URL’});”); AS3 In the action of your flash button, you have to execute this code: ExternalInterface.call(“$.nyroModalManual({url:’YOUR URL’})”); http://nyromodal.nyrodev.com/wiki/index.php/Open_a_modal_window_from_a_Flash_movie