Quite some time ago, I had an argument with a friend who is a big fan of Microsoft products. While I’m no Xbox hater, I am not very fond of some of their more shoddy products such as Internet Explorer. He was justifying the shortcomings of IE6, saying that absolute positioning is rarely used in …
Daily Archives: April 2, 2009
Flash convert String To Number
var myhe:Number=parseInt(mystring);
Flash countdown preloader
this.onEnterFrame = function() { var amount:Number = this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal() *100; loader.bar._xscale = amount; loader.loadText.text = 100 – Math.floor(Math.round(amount)/1)+”%”; if(amount < 85){ loader.alphaTo(0,2,"easeOutSine",0); } if(amount == 100) { gotoAndPlay("fadeout"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }